What are QCF Units?  

In these qualifications QCF Units contain both knowledge and competence learning outcomes.  Each unit can be assessed and certificated separately.

Each unit has a Level, Credit Value and Guided Learning Hours:

The Level reflects the complexity of the unit and the learner’s autonomy and responsibilities in demonstrating competence and/or understanding.  The level structure starts at entry level and goes through to level 8.

The Credit Value shows the number of credits a learner achieves through successful completion of a unit; one credit is equal to 10 hours of total learning and assessment.  Credits can be transferred between qualifications – but there are rules that apply, called rules of combination, which outline the number of credits required and units appropriate to specific qualifications.

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) represent the time the learner is given specific guidance or tuition towards a Learning Outcome (see below).

All units contain ‘Learning Outcomes’ and ‘Assessment Criteria’:

Learning Outcomes set out what a learner is expected to know, understand or be able to do as a result of a process of learning. 

The Assessment Criteria specifies the standard a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that a learning outcome or set of learning outcomes has been achieved.

 An Assessment Context will describe the areas to be covered. 

Assessment Guidance and Evidence Requirements given for each unit outline additional assessment requirements and should be built into assessment plans and included on assessment records.