
Equal Opportunities Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure equal opportunities for all workers, job applicants, clients and customers, irrespective of race, colour, ethnic or national origin. We value a diverse customer base and the individuality and creativity that every worker potentially brings to the workforce.

Operating principles

Workers, job applicants, visitors, clients and customers will be treated fairly, openly and honestly, and with dignity and respect.

No job applicant or worker will receive less favourable treatment on grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin.

Equality of opportunity is about good employment practice and makes sound business sense. Steps will be taken to make sure all business practices ensure equal opportunities.

Recruitment, training and promotion opportunities will be made as widely available as possible.

Selection criteria for employment, training and promotion opportunities will be entirely related to the job.

Employment decisions on recruitment, promotion and training will be made solely on the basis of merit.

Everyone has the right to work and do business in an environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. We will not tolerate such behaviour under any circumstances.

Disciplinary action, including dismissal, may be taken against any worker found responsible for harassment or discrimination.

Any worker or trainee who believes he or she is being discriminated against, victimised or harassed should raise the matter through the company’s complaints procedure.

This policy is fully supported by the Administrative Manager. We will ensure that all our workers, customers and clients are aware of the policy, and that they understand that they are responsible for observing it.

Our racial equality plan outlines the steps we will take to give effect to this policy.

We will monitor the action plan and review the progress we have made each year, to make sure the policy is achieving its aims.

Racial Equality Plan

The Managing Director is responsible for the racial equality policy and for putting the racial equality action plan into practice.

We will circulate our equality and harassment policy, and complaints procedure to all workers and their representatives, and also display them on company notice boards.

We will provide guidance for supervisors, managers and other relevant staff on the company’s equality policy, and on their responsibilities under the law.

Our aim is to employ a diverse workforce. We will regularly review and revise the company’s policies, practices and procedures to make sure they are not potentially discriminatory.

If people from particular ethnic backgrounds are under-represented we will:

  • Include a statement in our job advertisements positively encouraging them to apply
  • Make sure we advertise jobs as widely as possible
  • Consult specialist agencies
  • Make sure the criteria for selection are entirely job related
  • Keep track of the ethnic backgrounds of all workers and job applicants, and use the information to improve opportunities at all levels in the company.

Fair Assessment

If a learner thinks that they have been unfairly treated or disagree with an Assessor's decision, they can make an appeal through the Hydroviron Appeals Procedure.

Reasonable Adjustments & Special Considerations

Hydroviron consider the needs of all our learners and will make reasonable adjustments for learners with particular requirements to enable them to access fair assessment and demonstrate attainment. These adjustments must however ensure that the integrity of the qualification is not affected.

Hydroviron will ensure that any reasonable adjustments:

  • Do not invalidate the assessment requirements set out in the specification for the relevant qualification
  • Reflect the current needs of the individual learners and, as far as possible, their usual methods of working
  • Do not give the learner an unfair advantage compared to learners for whom reasonable adjustments are not being made
  • Maintain the relevance, reliability and comparability of the assessment