Mission Statement 

Hydroviron Training is committed to providing a high quality support service for all our learners from initial enquiry through to certification.

This statement will help us monitor and continually improve our service.

 Hydroviron will:

  • Make the interests of learners our priority
  • Undertake to consult, listen to and accommodate any learner with special needs such as physical, hearing or learning difficulties
  • Offer qualifications, with appropriate national accreditation, in the full range of the subject areas provided by Hydroviron Training
  • Include clear and simple guidance notes in all our prospecti and handbooks
  • Maintain full and accessible current information on available funding for qualifications delivered
  • Continue to ensure that we are committed to providing equality of opportunity and treatment for all, and that we will not unlawfully or unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly on the basis of gender, age, ethnic origin or disability in our dealings with learners, trainers and assessors
  • Provide our learners with the opportunity to comment on all aspects of our service by contacting us at any time
  • Give professional and individual advice where appropriate when you seek clarification prior to your own or your learner’s assessment
  • Support our learners, trainers, and assessors through forward-looking prospectuses, publications and training
  • Ensure that learners are trained by suitably qualified and experienced trainers
  • Ensure that learners are assessed by suitably trained and qualified professional assessors
  • Arrange assessments with learners at least 3 weeks in advance
  • Dispatch confirmation of results to learners within the timeframes and through the methods stated in our prospectus and supporting documents
  • Respond to formal appeals as detailed in our prospectus and handbooks
  • Give prompt, helpful and friendly response to telephone and e-mail enquiries, normally within two working days
  • Respond to written correspondence within seven working days
  • Have confidential and secure procedures for storing questions, written papers and blank certificates
  • Make an initial response to complaints within seven working days
  • Immediately investigate allegations of malpractice in relation to our quality, assessment and record system
  • Keep records of candidates’ achievements and respond to legitimate requests for these records
  • Regularly complete internal audits of our quality procedures
  • Comply in all areas of the UK Data Protection Act
  • Comply with all current relevant statutory legislation
  • Provide regular news updates on our website to keep you informed of all our latest guidance in all areas

If you wish to comment on this statement or any service offered by Hydroviron Training, please contact us direct on info@hydroviron.com or by post to Qualification Administrator, Hydroviron Qualifications and Training, Unit 1B, Building 11, Stanmore Industrial Estate, Bridgnorth. WV15 5HR.